For Romney, campaigning resumes; Obama tours storm wreckage

Posted on : Rabu, 31 Oktober 2012 | By : Unknown | In :


Mitt Romney has bee keeping a low profile the past two days, but now, less than a week to go before the election, he's back on campaign trail, trying to maintain a public presence while managing the delicate balance of superstorm Sandy's aftermath. Today in Florida, Romney's looking to continue building momentum as our new poll shows he has gained ground in the last month. Our new poll shows Romney in a dead heat with the president after trailing by nine points just over a month ago. Romney is now edging out the president among seniors and has cut the president's lead with women voters in half. Poll: Obama holds small Ohio edge; Fla., Va. tight In Florida, he'll be joined by Senator Marco Rubio and Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush. He'll make stops just outside of Miami and along the I-4 Corridor, looking to reach crucial swing voters. This will be Romney's first campaign rallies since Hurricane Sandy pounded the east coast Tuesday. He was in the key state of Ohio, but focused his attention on the story as he helped supporters box supplies for victims. "It's part of the American spirit, the American way, to give to people who are in need. And your generosity this morning touches my heart, and I appreciate what you've done," Romney told volunteers. Poll: Obama leads in three battleground states In Florida, Romney is expected to continue pushing a message of bipartisanship. Our poll shows voters here believe he will do a better job working with Democrats and Republicans. More Florida voters also say Romney has stronger leadership qualities than the president. Meanwhile, this is President Obama's fourth day off the campaign trail as he balances running for reelection with being president. "America is with you. We are standing behind you and we are going to do everything we can to help you get back on your feet," Mr. Obama said on Tuesday at the Red Cross headquarters in Washington, DC. At the Red Cross on Tuesday, the president remembered the victims of the storm, then praised the impacted area's mayors and governors. "They have done extraordinary work working around the clock," Mr. Obama said. He specifically mentioned New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, an Obama critic and a Romney supporter who complimented the president's response to the storm multiple times during the day Tuesday. He also said he's more concerned about New Jersey than presidential politics. "Cooperation from the president of the United States has been outstanding. He deserves great credit," Christie said. In an effort to remind voters the president is engaged and in charge, his advisors released behind-the-scenes pictures of him meeting with national security and emergency officials. The Obama campaign also emailed supporters a link to donate to the Red Cross via its campaign website. And to fill the void in the campaign trail, Bill Clinton and Joe Biden are being dispatched - not to key swing states but to Democratic-leaning Minnesota and Pennsylvania - to respond to a last-minute push by the Romney campaign. "In the real world Barack Obama's policies work better," Clinton said at a campaign rally.

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